Overcoming Zombie Intelligence in Cyber

Zombie Intelligence

In the age of relentless cyber threats, the need for effective and timely intelligence has never been more critical. The Cyber Threat Intelligence industry plays a pivotal role in safeguarding organisations against digital adversaries. However, there’s a looming issue that haunts this industry like a persistent spectre – “Zombie Intelligence.” It’s time for long-overdue change.

The Lurking Shadows of Zombie Intelligence

‘Zombie Intelligence’ is the grim term we use here at KryptoKloud to describe information that is plagued by irrelevance, inaccuracy, and a lack of actionability. It’s intelligence that has lost its life, wandering aimlessly in the digital realm. Let’s delve into the common deficiencies that have allowed this undead menace to thrive.

Relevance, Accuracy, and Timeliness of Intelligence

Imagine sifting through a mountain of data, only to find that the majority of it is outdated, irrelevant, or simply not actionable. This is the grim reality for many companies and Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs). They yearn for intelligence that is not only timely but also accurate and, most importantly, relevant to their specific needs.

Failure to Integrate and Automate Intelligence

The inability to seamlessly integrate and automate intelligence hampers an organisation’s ability to defend against cyberattacks effectively. The lack of automated processes results in delayed responses and a failure to adapt swiftly to emerging threats.

Lack of Expertise and Efficiency Within Organisations

Constructing robust intelligence collection plans is a challenge many organisations face. Budgets are allocated to tools that do not enhance protection. This lack of expertise can lead to frustration among leadership and even vendor turnover.

Misalignment with Leadership Expectations

Senior leadership can suffer from “report fatigue” due to redundant reports and a dearth of actionable insights. This misalignment can stall progress and leave organisations vulnerable.

The Intelligence Analyst News Reporter

One of the most glaring issues is the transformation of intelligence functions into mere news reporters, regurgitating publicly available information. This raises critical questions such as “How is this information actionable?” and “So what?”. It highlights the inefficacy of much of the intelligence being disseminated.

Shining a Beacon of Hope – Three Questions to Ask

To illuminate the path to overcoming ‘Zombie Intelligence’ in cyber, ask three critical questions:

1. Is this information relevant to my organisation? (The “So what?”)

Relevance is the cornerstone of actionable intelligence. If it doesn’t directly apply to your organisation’s needs, it’s time to question its value.

2. Will it help stop a breach before it occurs? (Is it actionable?)

Actionability is the essence of effective intelligence. If the information doesn’t empower you to thwart cyber threats, it’s not serving its purpose.

3. Can I automate this intelligence 24/7? (Timely and accurate?)

Timeliness and accuracy are non-negotiable. If intelligence can’t be automated for continuous protection, it falls short of the mark.

These questions are not mere rhetoric; they are the litmus test for the value of any intelligence you receive. If it fails to meet these criteria, it’s essentially useless and perpetuates the ‘Zombie Intelligence’ problem.

Embracing Change for a Brighter Future

The Cyber Threat Intelligence industry stands at a crossroads, teetering on the precipice of transformation. The era of sifting through seas of irrelevant, outdated, and non-actionable intelligence must come to an end. The stakes are too high, and the risks are too great to continue down this path. It’s time to rise above ‘Zombie Intelligence’ and pave the way for a more effective, efficient intelligence solution.

The call for change is urgent, and the industry can no longer afford to ignore it. Overcoming “Zombie Intelligence” in cyber must be a priority to ensure that organisations remain resilient. Together, we can build a cyber threat intelligence ecosystem that truly protects and empowers.

Follow this link to learn more about our groundbreaking solution – KryptoCTI

Find us at the International Cyber Expo 26-27 September 2023 at the Olympia in London for a demo (Stand R30)

International Cyber Expo 2023

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